Friday, May 04, 2007

Learning the Alphabet...

Do you remember learning, actually learning, the alphabet?

Every day, it seems, we watch Brainy Baby (either left or right brain) and today, I was impressed as Erez was clearly trying to say the letters.

In fact, he knows some of them and he knows the order. So for example, he knows "A, B, C, D, H, O, R, U, Y, Z" by sight but he also knows, sort of, when they are coming.

So the DVD may be on L or M and he'll start shouting "O!!!" and get excited when it finally gets there. Then, once "R" is done, he begins with "U".  Very neat to see the development.

Caught myself in a reflective moment, years from now, with (hopefully) a literate, grown son who doesn't even think about the alphabet and appreciating the fact that I was sitting there (and aware of the fact that I was sitting there) at this critical stage in his life...and that I'll have a memory to hold on to.

These moments happen every single day, and they are fleeting. I felt blessed that I caught this one.

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