Monday, May 17, 2010

The Composer is DEAD!

We took the kids to a Mother’s Day performance by the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center called The Composer is Dead053. It was a “murder mystery” involving an interrogation of the various parts of the orchestra (as in brass, woodwinds, etc.) and played a slew of great classical music as well.

The kids got to sit in the big Concert Hall and really enjoyed it.

Before hand the “friends of the NSO” had an “instrument petting zoo” and Tikkanen and Jokkanen had the chance to play the cello, violin, bass (pictured), tuba, trumpet, trombone, and oboe.

They are big music lovers (after all, they each have their own customized radio stations on Pandora), so it as a nice visit.

Very impressed that the NSO and Kennedy Center put this on.

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