Sunday, May 16, 2010

Charlie Wilson’s War…

Charlie Wilson's War

Image by dan taylor via Flickr

I’ll say this…my reaction to Charlie Wilson’s War was unexpected.

It strengthened my resolve to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, lest the same outcome happen again.

I know. That’s not what I thought would happen.

The performances by the big three (Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman) were certainly of the level you would expect, but I really appreciated the insight into a unique piece of American history.

With the Cold War 20 years behind us, I feel like we have forgotten just how evil the Evil Empire was…and what it was like to live during those times.

I certainly hadn’t heard of Rep. Wilson prior to this movie (apparently he died w/in the past 2 months), but came to appreciate how one determined person CAN make a difference…and do it in his own unique way.

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