Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pregnant Women Know Your Tone….

Pregnancy comparison. 26 weeks and 40 weeks.

Image via Wikipedia

As the father of 3 children, I am MORE than aware of how women don’t enjoy having others notice/comment on the size of their belly during pregnancy.

Statements like “wow, you popped!” are just not the way to go. That, I am smart enough to know.

Well, the other day, I saw a friend of ours walk through a door and I said, “so, when is this thing going to happen?”

Innocuous enough, right?

The friend picked up on my tone, which I hadn’t been able to conceal.

The tone said, “man, you are HUGE, it’s got to be any day now!”

She laughed, a knowing laugh, as if to say, “yes, I am huge and I get where you are coming from.”

Fortunately, she didn’t get angry (as she could have) and just said, “I’ve got 4 weeks to go.”

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