Monday, September 14, 2009

Remembering when the world was fresh...

One of the best things about having kids is re-discovering things you had long gotten used to.

Here's the report from Tonka's first day of science class.

Keep those eyes wide open:

For our first lesson we went outside and explored the yard. Deach child with a mission to find and collect one interesting little object. They found things that I had not even noticed! A delicate, folded blade of grass; a curvy piece of blue ribbon; a leaf half yellow and half brown; some round seeds; a little pine-cone. 

We brought these objects inside, and with magnifying glasses, the children closely observed their objects. Then, in their new Science Journals, the children drew their observations. Finally, everyone put the objects together in a clear plastic container “garden,” and we made predictions about what would happen to them over time. Will some things grow? Will some things get smaller? Will some things change color? We are calling our experiment “The Stinky Garden” because we predict it might get stinky!  

Next week we will observe what has happened to our special objects, and we will continue to explore how living things grow and change. 
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