Sunday, September 13, 2009

Seattle FOJ’s

With the help of my personal sushi waitress, the Seattle FOJ’s (or some of them) joined me the other night for a small get together. Instead of pics, we’ve got video this time.

So great to see Susan (and her 11 week old son, Leon), meet her husband, Isaac for the first time, see Allison Heber (whom I’ve now known for 17 years…crazy) and Inbar Gazit (another former Microsoftie)

On the way out, I gave Elizabeth (my waitress) a big hug while she was at another table.

I turned to them and said, “she’s the best waitress in all of Seattle!”

They nodded.

"No, you don’t understand…I live in DC. Every time I come to town, I call to see if she’s working. I have her cell phone number!”

Their eyes lit up…They got it.

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