Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Facebook, Then Real-Life….

imageI’m often asked the question “should I ‘friend’ people I don’t know in real-life on Facebook?”

My answer: Definitely. (unless they are REALLY weird.)


Well, I’ve had enough instances where I met someone online and then a year (or whatever) later, I meet them in real-life and we are fast friends.

And, now, I have proof.

The whole story is covered in the video below, which Dan took with his super-cool nightvision camera system.

The blog post when I first met Dan is here.

Bottom line: thanks to Facebook, we connected, had a chance to chat, have built a relationship and he was able to meet me at the airport….and I know that my life is richer for it.

And part 2 of the conversation (after I accidentally turned the camera off ;-) is below.

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