Wednesday, July 15, 2009

You Are My Sunshine...

The NFO was away last weekend at a dance camp, so I was on point with the three kids for 2 days.

But, it's not that big a deal. The NFO had made enough food to feed an army, my sister came over and helped for a few hours on Friday, I called in our Nanny for some Sat. morning tactical support, and we visited with my parents on Sunday.

Being alone with them, however, put me in the "days are long, years are short" mentality, since, well, I did have to be "on point" for the entire day.

It's easy when you are running around, non-stop catering to the whims of young children to just wish it would end, but, as luck would have it, the NFO had gotten a book by Harold Kushner called "When all you've ever wanted isn't enough" and since I'd enjoyed his previous ones, when I had 3 minutes to breathe, I read the first chapter.

He challenged me right off the bat.

"When asked what is more important, family or work, people invariably say 'family,' but their actions belie them."

He dared us to be present and focused in the lives of our loved ones.

And, since they are only young once, I decided that this weekend was the perfect moment.

So, yes, it was tiring, but when it culminated in a 3 person pile-up (Paco on the bottom, me in the middle, and Tonka on top) with a 15-round rendition of "You are my sunshine," it was totally worth it.

I felt the love from them and I took a mental snapshot, remembering them as they are now and holding on to that feeling, knowing that, before I know it, they will be all grown up.

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