Thursday, May 14, 2009

Using Twitter to Drive Your Global Micro-Brand (Webinar)

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

I am hosting a webinar on May 19th on how I use Twitter.

The webinar will show how I use Twitter as a tool in support of my efforts to build a global microbrand as the “go-to guy” for Community Driven Marketing.

Hopefully, you’ll walk away with some ideas of how to leverage it for your own brand.

All friends of Never Stop Marketing and Igniting The Revolution are welcome to attend.  (Details below, click here to add to your calendar).

Now, there are some really bad ways to use Twitter and there are plenty of good ways to use it, I just have my way. It’s not right for everyone.

The CDM-based global microbrand, in my mind, at least, rests upon a mastery of 3 fields and, specifically, the intersection among them.


These are:

  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Community

Conveniently, these are my passions, but that’s the subject of a different post.

What I Do With Twitter
To that end, I do 4 things with Twitter.

The first 2 are around the types of people I choose to follow

  1. individuals whose expertise significantly improves my understanding and/or critical thinking of one or more of these areas (remember, I consider the person to be the channel today)
  2. individuals with whom I have or want to have a close personal relationship

The third thing is to look for “like-minded individuals” who seem to share a passion for Community Driven Marketing.

Lastly, I share out information that (I hope) is of high value to my network and reinforces the underlying perception of the global microbrand I am building and fosters connections.

The Filters…

Like anyone, I have only 24 hours in a day and I have a “real” job, so first off, I religiously filter the number of people I follow.

Three criteria come into play here.

  1. What is the ratio of people you follow to the number or people who follow you?
  2. What does it cost me (in terms of time) to follow you? See
  3. What is your signal/noise ratio in Tweets?

It’s not that everyone isn’t important or I don’t like some people…it’s that I am very focused on how to use Twitter to its maximum effectiveness.

And how do I know if I am delivering value?

Well, I look at the metrics of Signal/Noise and Generosity, as measured by Twitalyzer to see how I am doing..


In the Webinar

I will review some of these strategies, the tactics I use to support these strategies, and the tools and processes used to drive them.

We’ll have Q&A and real-time chat.


Here are the details:
(click here to add to your calendar)

Tues, May 19th at 10.02 AM
Phone: 1-866-500-6738 id: 8382216
You will need to install Microsoft Live Meeting

Then, you can join the meeting here:

We will also have live chat:




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