Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting out of the echo chamber...

Oil on canvas.Image via Wikipedia
On a day to day basis, you know the things that I think about.

Suicide prevention is not one of them.

It's not that I don't think it's important, it's just that it's not top of mind.

A few weeks ago, blogreader/friend Aaron reached out to me and asked if I'd like to participate in a blue-ribbon workshop sponsored by a number of orgs on how to use social media to help further the cause of suicide prevention.

I had mixed emotions. On the one hand, it is certainly a worthwhile discussion, on the flip side, it's kind of outside of my "wheelhouse" and I wasn't sure that it would benefit the business (and right now, pro-bono time is limited...sorry, I'm a start-up.)

I thought I would have something to add and Aaron also suggested (rightly) that it would be a good networking event.

Sure, during the introductions I encouraged those Tweeters in the group to agree on a hashtag...and then during lunch, I gave an impromptu lesson on Twitter for the audience, but the real value?

Getting outside of my comfort zone.

Meeting a whole range of folks who aren't digerati, aren't marketers, aren't business folks, but who have a serious problem and are looking for serious answers on how to use something that I'm familiar with to save some of the 33,000 people who die each year because of suicide.

I heard a heart-wrenching stories from Debbie Johnston, whose 15 year old son took his own life as a result of "bully-cide."  She's leading the charge for a new law in Florida, called Jeff's law to untie the hands of school officials to intervene earlier and faster through her organization, Thursday's Child.

I think it's really important to step away from your natural community when you can to meet with others who don't live and breathe the same air that you opens horizons and helps you challenge some assumptions.

Thank you, Aaron for endorsing me to be a member of this workgroup and to all of the folks who used the #spsum tag. Made for an even more interesting day.

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