Thursday, May 14, 2009

Options Market for Babysitters...

There's a 10 year old girl in my neighborhood whom I occasionally call in as a "Father's Helper."

This upcoming Sunday, Tonka and I are hosting a "Father-Daughter" only Tea Party (post to follow, of course.)

Paco will be out, but the real question is: what to do with Gianni (15 months)?

If she's napping, no problem.

If she isn't, I can't devote my attention to the Tea Party, which was conceived as a special event for Tonka and me.

So, I called up my "Father's Helper" and explained the situation.

As one who makes a living selling time, I didn't want to call her at 12.40pm and say "oh, Gianni is sleeping, so I don't need you." That didn't strike me as fair, particularly since she would have foregone (potentially) other activities.

So, we negotiated an "option" for her time. I paid 50 cents for the right to call her and have her come over at 1pm. If I don't need her, the money is hers.

A whole new market has been created.
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