Friday, January 04, 2008

Anxiety Morning...

So mornings you wake up and you're calm.

Some you are not.

It started off because I was freakin' exhausted.

I've got a nagging cough that I can't kick and which kept me up all night.

Then, the car dealer calls.

I dropped off the car on Wed. (had my cabbie pick me up at the dealer) for an oil change. Idea was to have them do the work and I'd pick it up Friday morning.

Well, apparently, the guy called my office number (which I never check) and not my cell (I was in Fargo, ND remember?).

So, I didn't find out until today that my $20 oil change had become a $750 set of repairs including a tire with nail in it, lightbulbs that were burned out, and some belt that wasn't working.

Now, I love Fitzgerald, the dealer, so I have no reason to assume they are being dishonest (though I was irritated that the guy didn't call my cell number-which he had).

And, of course, it's cold and oil has hit $100/barrel. You know how I feel about that.

All of this led to a greater than usual money anxiety AM for me.


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