Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Book Review: Letters to My Son

Part 2 of my Father's Day gift was from Paco and entitled Letters to My Son by Kent Nerburn (see here for Part 1 from Tonka).

A different feel than Tonka's gift, less emotional and much more about the experience of being a "man" versus being "male."

"It is much easier to become a father than to be one."

Kent writes a series of letters to his newborn son about topics that include marriage, sex, fatherhood, sports, tragedy, fighting, money, and education. But what makes this book special is HOW he does it.

It's not offhanded humor or sarcastic. It's pure and authentic. He writes in a universalistic way that every man could understand, but not every man would allow himself to admit these innermost feelings.

I think reading and fully comprehending this book requires some degree of self-awareness (not saying that I have it.)

He touches on subjects that we all think about.
  1. How do you stay faithful to one woman?
  2. When is the right time to fight/die for a cause?
  3. How do men and women differ in approaches to sex?

A series of short essays, this is just a great book for any man looking for self-improvement and awareness.

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