Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Movie Review: Lawrence of Arabia

It may be cliche to call it "epic," but I am going to. What a movie! It really felt old school (probably because I aged so much while watching the 3 hrs 47 minutes over 2 nights!) Kind of like when I saw Ten Commandments the first time.

Definitely a film from another era.

So much to comment on and so many angles. The acting, the fact that there was no woman speaking part (barely seen as well), the commentary on "Arab Nationalism" and tribal relationships. The difference between revolt/rebellion and nation building. A lot easier to destroy than to build. The geo-political factors at play, the cultural biases.

And then the raw film elements...the scenery, the authentic sets (not digitally enhanced). I could feel the rocks and the pillars and the sand and the heat. The musical score (there is an intro...and an intermission...where the screen is black and the music is played...of course I ffwd'd through it :-)

I didn't know how much was accurate so checked the Wikipedia entry for some insights.

It's probably too expensive or time-consuming to make a film like that today, which made this one all that more enjoyable. Some great acting by some great actors, Alec Guiness, Omar Sharif, Peter O'Toole, and Anthony Quinn.
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