Thursday, May 31, 2007

No regrets...

One of my closest friends while living in Japan was a guy named John Mackay (pronounced Muh-Kai). Anyway, he always said that he tried to live his life with no regrets.

An admirable goal. There have been a few instances that I've regretted, but for the most part, I am doing ok.

There was a scene in Dead Man Walking (review here), where the mother of one of the murdered teens berates herself for the fact that her last words to her daughter were about an unsewn hem. "If only I had known...,etc."

I'm not sure when it began (I think back in Frankfurt when Dina and I were talking about Nana and Poppy), but since then I've had a heightened sense of appreciation for the fact that yes, life is random, and yes, this could be the last time I see you.

By being present and aware of that, I hope to not live with those emotions in the likely event that something will occur and I will realize that it was the last time I saw/spoke with you.

It may be a banal topic, but walking around with the lens of "it could be the last time," will hopefully insulate from any feelings of John Mackay-esque regret.
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