Friday, June 01, 2007


The slogan for LeBron James is "Witness." We are supposedly 'witnesses' to his dominating capabilities.

There are nights, as a sports fan, when all of the bad/sloppy games you suffer to are returned in dramatic fashion. As I've mentioned before in This is the life we have chosen....

Tonight, I didn't get on the Nordic Track until about 10.30, which was fortunate, because I tuned in at the beginning of the 4th quarter with tie scored between Cleveland and Detroit at 70.

LeBron was on the bench, resting.

With 8 minutes to go, he came back in. Cleveland was down by 1 or 2, I think and I said, "OK, LeBron, if you are going to be a true superstar, you have got to just take over."

Well, I got more than I bargained for. When he came back in, he had 19 points. Between the end of the game and the 2 overtimes, he added another 29.

The announcers kept saying it was happening, "this is one of the great playoff performances in NBA history," and everyone knew it.

I am reluctant to compare people to Jordan, but it definitely had that player, everyone knows he is going to try and score, and there is nothing that the other team can do about it.

He scored the last 25 points of the game for his team and 29 out of the last 30. It was just obscene.

One of those moments to just enjoy being a sports fan. You just knew you were watching something special. A coming out party. So good to see a #1 pick live up to expectations and single-handedly turn a team around.
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