Thursday, May 03, 2007


Thanks to Stewart's swift kick in the rear, I got back on the phone with Comcast to resume my Negotiation Efforts.  It took a while as I had to make my point more than a few times that I did not want more channels and I did not want to pay more than $40/month.

Three of my favorite lines (that I used :-), were

"if you tell me that you have to hold the line at $60/month and no matter how high we go, even up to Brian Roberts (CEO), then that's fine, I just want to know that."

And in response to the offer of "more channels at the $60/month rate, including Sprout and other kids stuff."

"Do you have kids?


Let me tell you then that you can show a kid the same episode of Dora the Explorer every day for 2 weeks and you won't get a complaint. The extra channels don't do it for me."

And when the rep said, "we're giving you a package that's worth $100 for only $60."

"Actually, it's not worth $100, because I am telling you that if you give me a million channels, it's not worth more than $40. If the customer says it's not worth $100, then it's not worth $100 and I am telling you that saving the $20 per month is more important to me so I can buy groceries than having more channels."

Look, if I can get the same channels from Verizon for $42/month as I can from you for $60, why wouldn't I do that? You would.

And then he did the "let me put you on hold and see what I can do...."

Bottom line: 2 free months (for my troubles in trying to get a response) and a year at $40/month plus free digital upgrade package (which I don't even care about) to boot.

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