Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More on Contextual Commerce...

The more I think about it, the more it is becoming clear that blog marketing is going to be a MAJOR driver of commerce as we move forward.


I look back at last week's interchange between Tom and Kira. Then, I look at the comments around tax season.  Finally, I am looking at my posts around Vista.

My brother Asher challenged me on the Vista posts saying that I was convincing people not to upgrade because of some of the challenges that I was facing.

I told him, "look, I have to be authentic first and foremost." If I am not, people won't read.  I think Vista has a lot to offer and yes, my 4 year old printer won't work, but most peopled don't have the Xbox issue I have, so it's up to them, but they have the facts and they trust me."

If I put my brain on the blog and facilitate commerce (and by the way, you should check out my del.icio.us links, it's like a 2nd part of my brain online) within a trusted environment, we are all better off, aren't we?

Then, the question arises: what about sponsored posts (like this one)? Does that harm my integrity?

Well, I'll leave it up to you to decide if I'm just shilling for a product or actually providing some value-added analysis...and the best part, you can vote with your mouse.

How do I know that blog marketing is taking off?

I can see that the $ value of the offers on PayPerPost (more here) have gone up over time to upwards of $1000. That means that the market is responding because it is paying off.

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