Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The value of oral history...

Of my mom's many skills and talents is that of oral historian. In fact, she wrote a book over 20 years ago called Record and Remember designed to help the novice conduct an interview of a family member.

Around that time, she arranged for my Nana to be interviewed. First, it was on tape, then transferred to CD. I copied it to my hard drive and by chance, during the "shuffle" on my music player today, a portion of it came up.

Nana was talking about how her father (aka "Pop Pop" to me) had been interviewed but she (Nana) didn't have the strength to listen to it because it would make her sad that he was gone.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to listen to Nana's voice today and while it made me sad that she was gone, it made me glad that my mom/dad had insisted that she (and Poppy) undertake this initiative.

(BTW, the Amazon reviews of my mom's book are a bit harsh...come on, she wrote it in the pre-PC era!)

Lesson learned: if you have the chance...get your older relatives interviewed on tape/cd/mp3/digital before it's too late.

You can thank me later.

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