Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pinnochio and A Child's Memory...

Do you remember the first time you saw "Pinnochio" or any one of the other "children's classics?"

I put it on the TV for the kids the other night and thought..."this is a life milestone for them."

We got through 20 minutes or so before they ran out of patience, but I couldn't help thinking that I was creating a life memory for them.

I took Paco out for a long walk on Saturday afternoon. We had no goal in particular, just meandered. Eventually, we found our way on to a damp baseball field.

We kicked a ball I had brought around and then started running around the empty diamond. He had a great time as I announced his charge to home plate.

A few minutes later, after he tackled me, we were rolling around in the outfield grass (careful to avoid the deer poop). I had 2 observations.
  1. Kids do keep you young at heart. I had no choice but to laugh as we wrestled in the dirt and mud.
  2. I will my kids remember me when they are grown or when I am dead? Will they remember these moments or think about the Penalty Box and how Captain von Trapp is my paternal role model.

I knew I was having a Mental Snapshot moment and I hoped that Paco/Spencer was too.

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