Wednesday, January 17, 2007

NYC-FOJ Get Together...

Looking on the bright side, I got a 7% conversion rate on my email marketing campaign. That’s 6 percentage points better than the industry average. Not quite the high rate of close to 25% for the Boston gathering in July, but still respectable!

A huge call out to Abby, Raphi, Rabbi Jan, Scott, Nava, Caryn, for making the trek to Starbucks and Café Viva on Monday night.

It’s always great to see who shows up to these “court sessions” and the part I love…introducing my friends from different worlds to each other. Fun to see the interaction and, hopefully, enrich their lives by expanding their circle. Goes back to my desire to be the Connector.

It means a lot when people make the effort (no dis to those who couldn’t…ok, maybe a little one :-)) and wonderful to catch up in person.

I took a lot of beatings for relying too heavily on the blog for staying in touch, but, I think (hope) that it was all in good fun—particularly after a few of them admitted to actually reading and (gasp!) enjoying it!

Thanks again, guys, for coming out.

And, as if there were any doubt…NYC has once again solidified itself as the greatest city in the world.

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