Sunday, September 03, 2006

Would a Blog by any other name smell as sweet?

I've been struggling with the concept of the "Guest Blogger." My brother forwarded me the article (here) from the Wall St. Journal. I don't have that kind of issue, but I the Blog a 1 man show?

I will admit that I track Blog readership. I think it's a sad commentary on the type of ego I have :-). My self-worth (ok that's a bit strong) is tied, in some respects, to the number of readers I have on a daily basis.

My goal is to get as many of my "Friends of Jer" (currently at 850) to read the Blog as often as possible. Why? Not sure. Perhaps it's the marketer in me trying to figure out what it'll take to get people's attention in the "attention economy."

Perhaps its the digital age equivalent of feeling "wanted." If you take the time to read, you must care, so I feel good. Again, not sure.

There definitely is a compulsion that feeds upon itself. Not sure it's healthy. I feel challenged-and pressured-daily to find something that is "blog-worthy." When something inspires comment (online is preferred but via email is good too) I feel like I have done a good job. When not, I wonder if I am losing touch.

You can ask Tamar....I'll tell her a story and then say, "oh yeah, that's good Blog stuff." It's almost like I'm in the entertainment business. Maybe I am....Hmmm.

I'd say the Guest Blogger program has been mixed. Of the7 people I've invited, 3 have never posted once. 1 has posted once and the other 2 have done-in my estimation- a fine job. Maybe my expectations were wrong. Maybe others don't waste time the way I do on the Blog post effort. Who knows?

I do try and figure out how often people read. I know the hard-core daily folks (love you guys!) and I frequently hear the (I was reading your blog, etc.) but I don't know what that means (see poll below).

Anyway, this is enough of a rant...probably lost its entertainment value a while back. Ok, in a funk.

We never actually took the poll...

Free polls from
Who was the best Guest Blogger?
Gadi Tina Tjada

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