Sunday, September 03, 2006

Blog consultant...

I had the honor of my first Blogging consulting gig last week.

The new headmaster at the local Hebrew Academy was interested in starting one. I was approached by a fundraiser from the school for my opinion on what makes a successful blog (hey, is this an in-kind contribution that's tax deductible?)

Here's what I wrote:

Blogging, I’ll say, requires dedication and commitment. It’s got to be frequent
intervals and the voice has to be authentic, not edited.

If he wants to do it, he should probably test it out for 2-3 weeks to get in the
habit. Then, if that works, you can publicize it

About a week later, I got some "test" submissions. Then I added:

I like it. I think it's got the makings of a good blog.A few comments.

Paragraphs should be a bit shorter. Overall length is ok though. Frequency is

As is marketing. He's got to tell people that the blog is out there and
advocate that they read it.

Joshua Levisohn's Blog is here. Let's see if he follows my advice (hope it's the right advice.)

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