Sunday, September 03, 2006

Calanit the Caregiver...

Following our team run this AM, we were on a tight schedule. Calanit was invited to a birthday party that began at 10am. The three of us walked through the door at 9.40am.

On the way, I had laid out the plan.

  1. Get Calanit into her dress-appropriate party attire
  2. Put Erez in his crib so that I could shower.
  3. Get out the door.

I knew Erez wouldn't be happy about the crib situation, so I said to Calanit..."can you please keep him company and play with him while I take a shower?"

She agreed. I put Erez in his crib...and he started crying. I ran to the shower.

I got out of the shower and didn't hear him at all. At first, I was worried. I walked towards his room.

I heard her "reading"/singing the book that Tamar or I read to him pretty much every night, Five Little Ducks.

She was sitting on a little stool and showing him the pictures.

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