Saturday, September 09, 2006

Medical inconsistency...

One thing that is irritating me through this process is the lack of process.

It seems like you ask 2 doctors and you get 3 opinions. The guidelines are just plain inconsistent.

The good news...for that it doesn't look like I'll have to be in quarantine away from Tamar/kids for 2 weeks. Here's the new game plan.

  1. admission on Tues AM
  2. discharge on Wed, go to my parents basement
  3. sleep A TON (more on that in a different post)
  4. stay there through Sun AM
  5. return home
  6. maintain limited contact with kids and wife for 1 week ("you can hold your kids for 5 or 10 minutes, but don't sleep in the same bed with them and don't watch Gone With the Wind with them sitting on your lap."

Just wish we could get firm directives one time and have it consistent. I know that's unreasonable, but in terms of "bedside manner," it would go a long way.

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