Saturday, September 09, 2006

Terminal thoughts...

I was making my way through the basement of the Washington Hospital Center to the Nuclear Medicine department, thinking about how following this preliminary scan, we would know if the cancer had spread beyond the thyroid (bad) to other parts of the body.

For a moment, I had one of those 'awareness of your mortality' jolts that occurs from time to time and I thought about death.

I guess, until now, when I thought about death (at least for the presumed elderly), I kind of took the attitude....'well, you know it's coming, might as well accept it."

Easy and cavalier for a young (relatively) man to say.

As I thought about the possibility that I wouldn't see my kids enter elementary school, a different perspective on death dawned on me.

I realized it's not so much that I fear death, it's more that I'm upset by death.

Life, I guess, is like a season of "24" or any good serial drama. You just want to know what's going to happen next...and there's always something that's going to happen next. If you're invested in a show and it gets canceled, you're irritated. You want to know what happened to the characters.

Life is like that. Death is when the show gets canceled. I guess you just never want the show canceled, no matter how long you've been watching.

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