Saturday, September 09, 2006

When you blog your life...

You can acquire a spokesman.

Today, we entertained 3 families for lunch. The husband of one of them is aka as this blog's most prolific reader/commenter.

It's almost a little scary how many facts he remembers from the stuff I post. In fact, it is scary. I've forgotten them and he's quoting them. However, it does come in handy.

During lunch, the conversation included such tidbits as:

Guest 1: So, Jeremy, often do you post on the blog?

Jeremy: Gadi?

Gadi: Anywhere from 1-5 times a day

Guest 1: How did you meet your wife?

Jeremy: Gadi?

You get the picture. I probably used the "Gadi?" line about 6 times...and each time he got it right! Thanks to the Blog and Gadi, I've achieved a new level of efficiency :-)

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