Friday, August 25, 2006

Morning Runs...

Hmmm...not sure I like the way the title sounds. I was referring to the fact that when my kids get up early (usually Erez), I use it as an opportunity to put on the running shoes, put him in the jogging stroller [what a great invention] and go for a couple of miles.

In fact, it's almost always Erez (Calanit is a late riser), but by the time we come back, Calanit is awake.

Yesterday, she was quite upset and said, "I want to go for a run," so I promised I'd take her this AM.

I did. It's a lot easier with Erez.

We don't have discussions about
  • what he will wear
  • what food I should pack in the bag for him to keep him happy
  • why we're taking one route over another
  • whether he can get out and walk
All of this probably added 35 minutes to the entire run experience (the bulk of it before while we were discussing the merits of sandals vs. shoes-particulary since she was going to be sitting the WHOLE time.)
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