Friday, August 25, 2006

Guest Post: A Lopsided Trade?

Posted By: Gadi

Anyone who knows me knows 2 things.
1) I love football
2) I love BBQ

In the year 2000 I had a Eureka moment. What if I could combine the 2 into one amazing bundle of happiness? And thus MNF BBQ Night was born. It started small with myself, college buddy, and neighbor Danny Picket, and the occasional other drop in.

Over the last five years, we had to say goodbye to Danny as he decided to pick Brooklyn Law School over MNF. Not the choice I would have made, by I hear the argument. In spite of the loss of one of our founding members, we have grown to close to 20 semi-regulars, with about 10-12 members showing up per week.

In addition to the member growth, we have seen a tremendous increase in my cooking ability. We went from packaged Hotdogs, and Hamburgers to Chili, Ribs (I have been told by many, the best kosher ribs in the world), home-made burgers, brisket, buffalo wings, heart attack balls (my personal favorite), lamb chops, chicken fingers, the occasional sushi, and stuff I cannot even remember. And, of course, cases of beer.

We saw the MNF booth bloom to one of the best football broadcasting teams of Michaels and Madden. (I’m sure Ill get heat for that one.) Though, I did miss Melissa Stark.

Needless to say, a good time is had by all.

Now, two years ago, in an attempt to increase poor Monday night ratings, ABC had conceded the broadcast of Monday Night Football to Baby Brother, ESPN.

With this new network in place for Monday night, the Michaels-Madden decided to go elsewhere. And who can blame them? The duo moved to NBC's Sunday night football, and ESPN installed Tirico, Theismann and Kornheiser. Madden and Michaels for Tirico, Theismann and Kornheiser? Lopsided trade if you ask me, and not because of Madden's weight.

In addition to the personnel changes, the graphics, and video quality has diminished as well. Even the sound on that wonderful MNF sound clip is worse. It sounds like a midi ringtone. UGH!

I always liked the MNF BBQ concept, because I felt as though it was a nice break in the week, and allowed me to see my friends more often than just Sabbath.

With this switch, I started to consider perhaps changing MNF to SNF. The downsides are

1) Sunday is usually family day, and preparing for football would take away from that.
2) I loose the break up the week piece.
3) I would loose many a SNF due to weekend travel and Hockey games.

So all said and done I think the downside out weighs the upsides to moving, it just won’t be the same.

Posted By: Gadi
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