Friday, August 25, 2006

My Mother-in-law...

There's certainly enough folklore about the role of the mother-in-law. I know of a few people who have strained relationships with their mother-in-law.

I, however, am not one of those people. I LOVE and ADORE my mother-in-law. After having 7 kids, this is a woman who has more than "a pretty good head on her shoulders." She's very sound in her assessments of situations and frequently dishes out the most logical advice. She's certainly more rational than Tamar :-)

Why do I riff on my mother-in-law? Well, she's going to be staying with us for the weekend and I am thrilled. We have great conversations about issues big and small...and needless to say, my kids love their "Savta"(hebrew for grandmother) [not to mention the fact that I get a break!]

As it turns out, when I first set up a wireless network 3.5 years ago, she was to this day, the SSID (for you geeks out there) is named in her honor.

The "Ima Silton Honorary 802.11b wireless network" is alive and well and being used for this post.

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