Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The little actress and her lines...

We put Calanit to bed every night between 8-8.30pm. Sometimes, when we are downstairs, we hear the pitter-patter of little feet in the hallway…or the thumping of feet against the wall. Last night, I went up to investigate. I found her face down in her bed. I’d seen this movie before. My little girl has learned the “art of the fake sleeping.”

I enter the room and say, “I don’t think the Tonka is asleep.”
From her face down position: “Yes, I am!”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Yes, I’m sleeping.”
“Ok, good. See you in the morning.”
“Abba, I can’t sleep.”
“OK, count some sheep.”
“OK!” Then she looks at me quizzically, as if it registered that she has no idea what that means.
“How about counting the number of stuffed animals in your room?”
“See you in the morning, beautiful.”

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