Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Guest Post: Fall Anniversaries

Submitted by Tjada

Today marks the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Tonight, HBO will air the full four hour, Spike Lee documentary, "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts." I encourage you to watch/tape/DVR it. I cried so much during the first episode that I now watch it in parts from my DVR. I thought that Spike had given his all in the making of "Four Little Girls," but he has really outdone himself on this one.

Next month, we will commemorate the 9/11 attacks of five years ago. Both of these events should have brought us together as a country. Sadly, we are more divided than ever.

Instead of focusing on my anger, I have resolved to spend the next week meditating on specific actions that I can take to hold people accountable and to help the people whose lives continue to be affected by these events. If we lose our empathy and compassion amidst the rhetoric and the division, then our future as a nation is not very bright at all.
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