Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Leaving it all out on the field...

Tamar and I use the expression “leaving it all out on the field” to describe days where we have been running non-stop. We also use the expression, “feel good about the day we gave our kids” when we know we have provided them with an enriching experience.

Sunday was one of those days.

Both kids got up at 6.30am. I took them out for 2 hours in the double jogging stroller. We went for a 1 hour run, went to the playground, and fed ducks at the duck pond.

Of course, we were the cause of many smiles of those around us when they saw the two kids eating their snacks in front of me. Calanit was a great help in handing cheese and crackers to Erez.

Most people would comment, “wow, that adds a lot to your workout.”

“Yes, about 60 lbs and a LOT of negotiation.”

I got them home (gave Paco a bath) and after he woke up from his nap, took them to visit their new cousin, Dalia Rose, and swim in the pool by Asher and Julie’s apartment. Had lunch.

Then, packed them in the car to go to Dupont Circle for their two aunts’ apartment warming party. Needless to say, they were a primary attraction.

Finally, on the way home at 4pm, they BOTH crashed in the car…big-time. One of the cutest things is seeing 2 kids sleeping in the back of the car.

I somehow managed to transfer them both into their respective beds and had, oh about, 25 minutes of peace before Erez woke up.

Tamar came straight home from work and went to a Bat Mitzvah lesson. I was on duty pretty much until they went to bed.

I was exhausted (went to bed at 9pm), but I truly left it all out on the field and felt really good about the day I gave my kids.

Those are my objective standards for success in parenting.

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