Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guest Post: Is video required to be a good father?

Posted By: Gadi

For those of you who know my Dad (and I don’t think any of you do) he was the guy with some sort of camera always stuck to his eye. For many years I thought it was some kind of a growth. He had one of the first Video cameras that required a 30lb backpack in addition to the huge camera itself (Similar to this). I remember going to Disney, and just being embarrassed by the monstrosity he was carrying. This has scared me for life.

I hated always being filmed and photographed. I felt as though we were not able to enjoy the vacation, or trip because we spent the entire time either filming or photographing.

I have therefore made video and pictures secondary to the actual enjoyment of the site, or vacation. We take plenty of pictures, just almost no videos. In fact, we used our video camera for the second time yesterday. (The first being my daughter's first birthday, exactly 6 months ago.)

Recently, (I think due to a medical tragedy in the family) my sister started taking out the old videos and watching them. It was fun to see us on vacation, and random videos from around the house from our youth. There were videos of Hanukkahs, trips, birthday parties, bath times (Man that is embarrassing now) and other random parental interviews. At the time, I HATED taking video and having my Dad "interview" me, but looking back, I do enjoy watching the video. I got to thinking, am I a bad father for not documenting the first 18 months of my daughters life via video?

I open it up to the panel.

Posted by: Gadi


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