Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guest Post: Let's call a shovel a shovel.

Posted by: Gadi

Since 9/11 we have been in a 'War on Terror'. I heard an interesting quote, that 'one cannot wage war on a tactic'. That would be like in World War II calling it a war on Blitzkrieg, or Kamakazees.

We are at war with Islamic Fascists. Please do not misunderstand. This is not a knock on Muslims or Arabs. This is a relatively small group that despise our (the "west") way of life and our culture and will stop at nothing to make sure they exterminate it from the world.

I think that until we face the real enemy here, and stop beating around our P.C. bush, we will be unable fight this war, let alone win it.

Posted by: Gadi
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