Thursday, August 24, 2006

Guest Post: MJ 101

Submitted by MJ

Let it not be said that Jer is a coward. Right now I feel as if I'm in his bathroom and rummaging through his medicine cabinet.....

Seeing as he has bravely opened his "house" wide, I thought a brief introduction might be in order. Before I start the ranting (I kid! I kid! I have my own blog on which to rant and rave.).....

My name is MJD-S, which is short for Megan Jane Daniels-Sueyasu. From which you can deduce why I have a nickname. Most people call me MJ, unless they remember to take a deep breath. I am Australian, but have lived in Japan for almost 10 years. I am married to a Japanese boy, who currently has a broken ankle. I work for myself under my own company name, and basically design and produce websites for the internet and mobile phones.

Jer and I used to be housemates, in a crumbling gaijin house in Tokyo. As a guest blogger this week I hope to share some of the stories of our adventures with you. In some ways I suspect that the Jer I know is a little different to the one that you know (heh bet I've made him nervous now). I hope we'll have fun exploring this together.
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