If the election were today, I'd be voting for the Johnson/Weld Libertarian Party ticket.
I fall into the "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" camp.
In general, I believe in free markets, not government as the driver of economic growth. Government is enabler. (Perhaps this is why Estonia is so fascinating to me, but I digress.)
I also believe that government should stay out of our personal lives.
As for my logic, I'll try and break it down as follows:
- Qualification
- Policy Alignment
- Trust
Head to head to head...in my mind, there's no doubt that the two ex-Governors are well-qualified.
This video does the job enough for me.
I'm biased towards executives with experience. Particularly those who have worked in a bi-partisan environment and been successful.
Policy Issues
Do I agree w/Johnson on everything? Not 100%, but pretty much. Certainly a greater percentage than those of either Clinton or Trump.
On social issues, Johnson and I see eye to eye.
On economic issues, definitely.
It's true that he doesn't support any foreign aid, but at least he's consistent in that and, to be honest, I am open to discussing that as something that might be a good idea (talking about Israel mostly here). I'm not 100% clear on his definition of "defense," but so far, I haven't found anything horrifically objectionable.
Let's get the easy one out of the way. Trump is not trustworthy at all. 100% horrific.
The thing is...for me, neither is Hillary Clinton.
It's a different type of mistrust. There are just too many scandals and too many questions for me.
Johnson on the other hand...after I watched some of his interviews, I viewed him as trustworthy.
Final thoughts (for now)
As the father of two daughters, I love the idea of a woman President of the US. Yet, I'm not willing to overlook my perception of Clinton's character flaws of this particular person in order to have a symbol or make a point.

And...if you put a gun to my head and said "Trump or Clinton," I would say "Clinton."
However, I don't have to make that choice.
Hence, Johnson-Weld.
But There's More....
In a "normal" election, that would be enough, but we're not in a "normal" election.
I expect to get (and have already gotten) statements like:
- "a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump"
- "you're throwing your vote away"
- "you're naive for thinking you can make a difference,"
- and more....
Stay tuned.