Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cab Rides and Communism...

It was like the UN of cab rides this week. On the way back from Denver, I had a native Chinese and a Ukrainian.

What struck me was the conversation I had with the Ukrainian, which, interestingly enough, mirrored the conversation I had with a native Russian who now works at Microsoft.

Both of them said that things in Russia are tough and what's more, "it was better before."

"Education was free. Camps were free. We didn't have all of this
capitalistic stuff."

And they went on. "When you don't konw anything else, this is what you think is supposed to happen," she said.

I guess the only thing that wasn't free was the individual, but I didn't want to get into that debate.

There's a lot to think about this and its implications of "bringing democracy to the rest of the world."

Despite this, I still think it's worth it. Very strange, at least to me.
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