Monday, June 07, 2010

Solo Dad…Forgot How It Felt

Over Memorial Day weekend, the NFO took a few well-deserved days for herself and go to a dance camp. She set us up for success by preparing meals and more. From Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, I was solo with the team.

Then, in the afternoon, Tikkanen and Jokkanen went to a “sleepover” at my sister and her husband’s apartment (with a big assist from my other sis) and Lakkanen/Nadia had a sleepover at my parents’ house.

I was alone for 24 hours.

A few weeks prior, I had received an e-Vite from a college friend to her housewarming party in Alexandria.

Now, normally, this type of event would, to be frank, just fall low on the priority scale. Not because I didn’t like her (I do), but because the logistical, political, and/or financial implications of the event would make it prohibitively expensive to attend.

So, my first reaction was “bummer, I can’t go.”

Then, I looked at the date and time and realized that it coincided with my 24 hours of solitude.

“Holy goodness! I can go…and I don’t have to coordinate anything with anybody!”

I had completely forgotten what that feeling was like.

Bachelorhood seems like another epoch indeed.

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