Sunday, June 06, 2010

If you give your 6 year old an iPhone…

She’ll probably end up doing something with it that you didn’t expect.

I’m upgrading my phone (more on that later) and decided that I would give the iPhone to my 6 year old (aka Tikkanen).

She checks the weather on it, listens to her own Pandora station, knows how to navigate the iPod music, does math drills, takes pictures, and sends/responds to email.

Of course, when you empower people, you have to be prepared that they may use technology in a less than desirable way.

She came in my room the other morning, took a picture, and then proceeded to email it to all of her contacts (she has 6 right now—her 2 grandmothers, her parents, and 2 of her aunts).

I can’t be upset, since I created this monster ;-)

Professional note: Some of you will say “how could you post this online where potential clients might see it?”

My answer: if a potential client decides that they don’t want to hire me because of the fact that I sleep with a fleece cap and sometimes without a shirt (and I’ve given my 6 year old an iPhone), then that’s not a good client for me.

On the other hand, those that appreciate when I yell and swear at them are.

Bonus points if you get the book reference in the title (before looking at this link).

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