Monday, May 10, 2010

Work or Play? Part 2

Children's Day

Image by jmurawski via Flickr

The other day, I chaperoned Tikkanen’s class trip to the Smithsonian to watch a dance performance in celebration of Kodomono-hi (Children’s Day) in Japan.

Certainly, the experience brought back some memories and I brought in some paraphernalia to share with the kids before we went.

On the trip, one of the other parents asked me, “what is it that you do that allows you to come on the trip?”

The short answer, of course, is “I work for myself.”

Moments later, as the bus ride went on (I had a seat to myself), I expanded the answer.

Knowing that the ride would be 40 minutes or so, I had printed out a few things to read and a notebook in which to sketch out some ideas.

Of course, I was checking my phone/email often.

“Actually,” holding up my phone and the notebook, “this is my office.”

For knowledge workers, the concept of “office” will become (is already) less and less about “place” and more and more about “state of mind.”

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