Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Faith Game…

It’s not my objective to convince you to believe in God or not.

Either way, you can enjoy the game.

The premise of the game is “everything that happens, happens for a reason.”

The objective: figure out why.

Avoid Occam’s Razor and think in terms of a movie.

You are an actor and God is the screenwriter/director. Only thing is, in this game, you play the part---and only THEN do you read the script.

What’s more, you don’t necessarily ever know WHY the screenwriter put the script in that order.

Some examples:

  • you are listening to the radio (or better Pandora)-if the song that comes on at that moment is like your life soundtrack—why is that the mood music?
  • what’s the larger plot of your afternoon that requires you to be stuck in traffic?
  • why does the person in front of you take an extra long time checking out?

If you are a person of faith, you have belief that this leads to some larger purpose. If you are not, then “stuff just happens.”

Either way, playing the game for a bit can be entertaining (or at least I think it can be.)


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