Thursday, April 01, 2010

The ROI on Blogging (personal edition)

In the corporate world, there's a big discussion on the "ROI" (return on investment) of blogging.

Well, I can prove some ROI on personal blogging.

Long-time blog readers know that I am a huge fan of my financial advisor, Josh.

We had our semi-annual "calibration" session the other day and, as usual, he had done his homework in preparation.

What's more, he had spent quite a bit of time reading my blog. As a result, he was up to date on some of my macro-economic thoughts and concerns.

Now, we don't work on an hourly basis, but if we did, I can foresee a scenario where his reading of my blog actually saves me money (since I don't have to spend the time with him explaining it in person).

But, beyond that, his understanding of the issues that are of concern to me, makes him a BETTER advisor (and he's already really good).

That means I get more for my money in working with him.

Bottom line: when I share information with many people, the input that I get back is multiple-fold greater than my output.
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