Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Avatar and Global Eco-consciousness…

Avatar (2009 film)The NFO MADE me go watch Avatar the other night.

By myself.

She was convinced that I would really enjoy it. As usual, she was right.

Not just for the obvious special effect reasons, but its message played into a growing thought process for me.

Our global ecological responsibility.

A few weeks prior, I had watched James Cameron’s talk at TED which explained his childhood curiosity AND why he felt like needed to make Avatar.


Soon thereafter, I watched Dan Barber’s talk (“how I fell in love with a fish”) about sustainable fisheries.

As a lover of sushi, his words struck home. Humans are just too good at killing other animals. Our efficiency can lead to our own demise.

It has been on my mind ever since “An Inconvenient Truth” and more recently, “Blue Gold: Water Wars.”

In between, I saw a powerful documentary called “the Story of Stuff” which further drove home how our resources are finite, yet we treat them as though they are infinite.

Combine that with a book I’m reading (and will review shortly) called “Status Anxiety” which brings into question the psychological impact of our ability to create (and desire) all of this stuff) and you start to understand how this is affecting us physically and mentally.

To top it all off, Bill Gates, my former boss, and his talk about the need for “energy miracles.”

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