Monday, August 10, 2009

You only have a few years...

HourglassImage by marionaire via Flickr
I have noticed recently how impressionalbe the two older kids are by their friends and peers.

Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

A few weeks ago, we were in a situation where Tonka was surrounded by some girls of roughly her age and I noticed how NONE of them said "please" or "thank you."

So, this morning, I was pretty swift in deducting bonus points when she failed to do so.

My aunt, a PhD in Psychology, once said to me (before I even had kids) that "by the time a kid is 6, he's pretty much the person he is going to be."

Whether that is true or not is of some importance, but the idea that, as your kids spend more time at school and with their friends, and less time at home or with parents, you certainly have fewer opportunities to influence their development.

It gave me a sense of urgency.

I'm generally very proud of Tonka (and Paco) for the types of behaviors they demonstrate and perhaps I am being too dramatic by calling out a "Days of Our Lives" type hourglass metaphor, but, of course, the downside risk of not addressing these issues now is greater than the short-term benefit of delaying and addressing them later.

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