Monday, July 20, 2009

Risk and Rewards of the First Child…

As a first child myself, I’ve only recently come to appreciate how much of a guinea pig I must have been for my parents.

You tend to think, as a kid, that your parents know what they are doing in all situations (this is pre-adolescence, of course), but what you don’t know, when you are the first child is that they have never done this before either!

This became apparent to me this summer as we were thinking about what type of camp and swimming lessons that Tonka should have.

Paco expressed a hint of jealousy at some activities that Tonka got to do at her camp, but he doesn’t realize that he’s benefitting from the fact that we have learned from our mistakes in terms of past efforts w/Tonka.

I knew it all along, later children have it easier. Now I just have proof! ;-)

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