Tuesday, July 21, 2009

80% of Fuel During Lift-off

I don't remember the specific numbers, but it is something like that.
A HUGE proportion of the fuel in a rocket is consumed in the very first few seconds of flight, just getting it off the ground.
Seems to me that starting a company is very similar.
For the past 15 months, I've been pushing EXTREMELY hard to get things going.  I'm FAR from an assured success, but we do have a bit of momentum (tanks God on that one!)
What I realized, recently, is that it's probably appropriate at this stage to pull back on the throttle a bit...not to 0mph, but to something more manageable, because now I need to find the balance between growth (rocket velocity) and scale/operations (rocket stability).
It's my nature to go hard, so this is a great personal development moment for me, but I'm excited for the challenge of it.
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