Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GOP Undercover...

"Republican Party Elephant" logoImage via Wikipedia
There was a special election on the 21st in my county.

I went to vote because it's my duty and when I take my kids, I want them to appreciate the freedoms we have. Plus, the polling place is LITERALLY across the street :-)

Thing is, I live in Maryland, where the Democrat:GOP ratio is 5:1...very much a 'blue' state (though with this Iowa/California gay marriage thing, I guess that notion is outdated, but I digress)

It's a bit frustrating knowing that the GOP candidate has next to zero chance of winning the general election in a few weeks.

So, I'm thinking about going undercover so that I can make my vote count.

I'm a registered Republican and though I am disillusioned with their performance and general direction, I tend to think that on economic/defense issues (the ones I care about more than others), I align with them more.

(Note: I generally don't delete comments, but if you start ranting about how bad GWB was or how stupid Republicans are, I will. Thoughtful comments, ok. Criticism is always welcome, but rants are annoying--especially ones telling me how stupid I am.).

That being said, I'd like to think that I can do more to ensure that the best person is getting the job. So, since the winner of the Dem primary is going to win the election, it makes sense to vote there....either for the one that most closely aligns to me (or as the spoiler).

Instead of being the liberal wing of the GOP, I get to be the "far-right" wing of the Democratic party. Kind of extreme, eh?

And there are more benefits.
  1. the GOP will stop calling me asking for money
  2. it is far easier to turn down solicitations from causes with which you don't agree, so when the Democractic fundraisers call, I'll have no remorse at all saying no...or hanging up.
  3. I enjoy the thrill of being undercover
  4. I get to be a "cross-over" voter in a general election "over party lines." Feeds the rebel in me.
It'll also make it so that I will have been a Republican, and Independent, and a Democrat in a short timeframe...the ultimate "undecided voter."
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