Tuesday, April 28, 2009

For Dog NON-Lovers

Dogs on LeashImage by Lisa Newton via Flickr
Disclaimer: If you are a Dog lover, I suggest that you not read the rest of this post. Click away. Come back tomorrow. If you decide to read anyway and find yourself bitter and angry at the end of this post, feeling animosity towards me that will alter our relationship forever, you have only yourself to blame.

Now, for the rest of you.

I wouldn't say that I HATE dogs. Hate is a strong word and I have met some cute ones along the way. I do dislike them, however.

As a runner, I hate when they bark at me. I don't want them coming up and sniffing me. Worse, I don't want dogs in the park near my kids (unless I personally know the owner.)

What I do hate, however, is when dog owners are walking their dogs in the park and don't have them on a leash (when that is clearly the law.)

There's a park by my house where I like to go running and when I say that EVERY 1/10th of a mile, there is a picture of a dog on a leash, I am not exaggerating in the least.

The other day, I went out for a run and 2 minutes into a it, a dog comes running up to me. The owner yells, "don't worry, he's friendly!"

I say, "That's great, but you should really have him on a leash, that is the rule, you know."

She responds, "We're usually the only ones out here, which is good, otherwise, we'd meet people like you."

"Look, you're the one being the scofflaw, don't take it out on me because you don't give a damn."

"You're right, I don't give a damn!"

About a year ago, I bought the domain LeashYourDamnDog.com (since let it expire) and was thinking it would be fun to have a site where you have t-shirts, etc. for runners so that they could just wear it and not have to say anything to dog owners who think that they are above the law.

What's more, what I don't think these dog owners think about or care about is the perception and risk that people/parents (particularly those dog non-lovers) have.

We've all heard stories of the dog that goes crazy and mauls the kid, right?

And most dog owners would say "well, that would never happen with my dog!"

And maybe they are right.

Maybe it's a 1 in a million long shot that your dog would go berserk and rip out my 3 year old's jugular.

Maybe that's an irrational fear.

But in the irrational mind (and we're all irrational, right?), you're taking that risk with bodily injury to me or my kids.

You don't want to wear a seatbelt? Want to smoke? Eat sugar all day? Great...you're taking those risks on your own behalf. Go crazy.

But, in that 1 in a million chance where the dog does go crazy, what happens?

The dog owner feels bad...and I am injured, maimed, or grieving a death by mauling.

Maybe it's crazy, but the rule is there, so obey it.

There's an election going on today in my county (as I write this)...maybe I'll vote based on which candidate will ticket dog owners who don't use a leash. It's as good a criteria as any.

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