Monday, April 21, 2008

Doing Good...and an Unwelcome Intrusion

Last Thursday, I went to the offices of A Wider Circle to drop off the blankets which were made as part of the projects of our guests at the Simchat Bat (and a big call out .

The office location was not clearly marked, so I went up a few flights of stairs to the floor where I thought it was located and opened the door...

I saw a woman...and she let out a huge GASP of surprise.

She just stared at me.

Another woman walked over to the door. I had clearly not opened the door to a hallway, but the back door to an office.

The woman said, "what are you doing here?"

Not really having a good answer, I smiled and said, "well, I've come to see you, of course. How are you doing?"

She wasn't amused.

By this time, I had figured out that I had just interrupted, via the back door, the session of a therapist with her patient.

The woman on the couch (the patient) kept saying, "wow, that really scared me."

The therapist asked "what do you want?"

"Uh, I'm looking for A Wider Circle."

"Down the stairs and to the right. ALL THE WAY to the right."

Eventually, I found the place and all was well, except for the shocked patient!

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